The thing about the Ori is that they're evil ascended. They have actual power (unlike the Goa'uld, who relied mainly on stolen technology), and they're willing to use it. They are more powerful and dangerous than the Goa'uld, and they're a lot more interesting (IMO) than the Wraith.

I guess, if you're not that interested in the Ancients, though, that doesn't really do much for you.

Still, how do you feel about Oma and Skaara? They're both ascended beings who, unlike the others, are willing to help out, despite the rules. I have a feeling we'll be hearing from both before the season is over.

As for Jack... I agree that they're stretching it out a bit much. I'd have preferred that it be explained right away, that we at least know as much as Daniel about it. I'm not hugely annoyed, though, because (a) there's enough other stuff going on (b) it's gotten so little screen time in general (no pun intended) that I'm finding I don't mind not knowing.

Oh, and there is room for a bit more than just Ori and Jaffa. For one thing, I'm hoping we'll get to learn a bit more about Merlin and Avalon.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.