about the Brutal Youth thing - and now this is OT i think - but at the end Clark trades away part of his life force to Jimmy and so we're left with a very open-ended scenario. Clark, may have in fact traded away so much of his life force that he could have a shorter life span than Lois.

As well, Klein's theory was just that - a hypothesis, not fact.

Tim Minnear, who wrote the script, was on line at some point wih Zoomway or it may have been LAFF , and I gather the question was put to him as to how he saw it. It's my understanding that he saw the transfer at the end as restoring the balance between Lois and Clark. But this is my recollection of what I read on those mbs about a year ago and so it would be better to check it out directly as to what he actually said.

At any rate, Clark's longevity is not carved in stone:)

Apologies for wandering a bit OT here.

And thanks, Sue:) I understand what you mean about writing that funeral.
