it's such a serious subject - more than any other on the boards.
Hmmm, but that's you're *opinion*, Carol -- the fact that that particular subject is more serious than any other on the boards.

Let me explain...

For example... May I point out that to people who have extremely sensitive consciences and religious beliefs and convictions -- like some of the people on this board (I'm not naming any names) -- the subject of nfic could be quite offensive.

Now, that having been said... it is true that we keep it separated. However, we don't keep it separated solely for the reason of "sparing their feelings" but because it is inappropriate for young readers.

Perhaps a better challenge here for you to make would be that deathfics are inappropriate for young readers? Because really they are the only ones who are so emotionally capable of being scarred that they should be protected from certain genres. The rest of us are all "big boys and girls" and can make educated decisions on what we will, or will not, read.

There are several stories even on the PG side that push the limit as far as PG-13 can go - *ahem* I would know. And I know that even those stories slightly offend certain people on the boards. But... we don't see them starting threads to complain about the "moral injustice" that we are foisting upon our heroes. Because, let's face it, our heroes, Lois & Clark, were pretty chaste in the show: Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Sure, they were tempted a few times not to be chaste, but in the end, they waited until after they were married to make love to one another.

So please don't think that your views on deathfics are any more strong or important than others views on nfic or PG fic that blurs the line of morality. Or anything else, for that matter. "Importance" depends very much on someone's "own point of view".

There can be many different things that a person might take offense to in the stories that are available to read. My point is... that you don't see anyone else starting threads to complain about that particular genre.

If there is one thing that I would like to get across in what I've said <and then I'll completely shut up> it's that there are many things that someone could take offense at, depending on their own personal beliefs and opinions. But we don't see any other threads being started to address those other topics -- people just realize that it is the author's right to write about those topics and they don't read them and just leave them alone and life moves on. This is the only genre that continues to be beaten like the dead horse that it is.

-- DJ <who again apologizes for not being able to keep her lip buttoned and her opinions to herself>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.