Because in the next story they'll be fine and whole again. It seems a bit overwrought to get really worked up when the memory chip in my head resets with each story. Unlike life, in which there is no way to back up and change a darn thing.

It's all subjective, isn't it? We each bring our own luggage along on every story.
I wish I could reset those memory chips each time, but for some reason I've never been able to do that. It would be so much easier to be able to reset, rewind, erase.

And not to think about what the implications are.

This has been a difficult several months - two deaths in my family and the nervous breakdown of another family member. As hard as this has been, most of all I grieve for their loss, not mine.

So true that we all bring our luggage along. Some of us escape into religion, some of don't, can't. But oh how much I would love to believe what you've written, Sue. It would make it so much easier.
