Er I write for other fandoms, but I haven't written for L&C.

I write for Angel but my fanfic is mostly Cordelia/Angel centric.

I've also written a couple of fanfics for Bones and I'm in the midst of writing a crossover story between Bones and Angel (it's for a competition and being co-written by myself and two friends..otherwise I would never have attempted it by myself).

Whilst I thought that it was difficult to write a character who can never die and in some cases if you follow "cannon" religously also never achieve "perfect happiness" lest he turn evil again ... I've found that L&C has it's own set of problems or "cannon" to follow or not as the case may be.

There isn't a fanfic yet that I haven't read at the boards, that I haven't enjoyed.

On the whole, I've found Lois&Clark fanfic writers to be an extremely talented bunch.

Just my two cents worth.

take care, sarahk_4005

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