I think my first fanfic stint was with Frasier a number of years ago, iirc. I started writing story after story in my journal just because I needed more Frasier during the summers lol. It never even occurred to me that other people did this sort of thing as a hobby. I thought I was a lone crazy person with a pen. Then I slammed into a Frasier fanfic archive one day and realized that comparatively, I was sort of normal. :p It was organized, but in the here and now, I've never found anything that tops the L&C Archive. I wrote some way different themes in Frasier. God, did I used to write romances? I think so! Those are foreign words now that I think about it. I also wrote a lot of...rewrites, continuations, and things that messed with the ongoing show on tv.

For some reason after I found the Frasier archive, it never even occurred to me that other tv shows might have similar followings. After I wrote myself out on Frasier, I started up with L&C, again not realizing that other people did this sort of thing. The whole reason I started writing L&C fanfic was because I couldn't *stand* not knowing what was going to happen when Clark left for New Krypton!! I pretty much spent all summer coming up with senario after senario.

I haven't written anything in over a year, but oddly enough, what I like to write (comedy) has absolutely nothing to do with the Krypton themes that I started out with. Over the years, writing has just turned into a big 'what if' for me, and it's ranged from kidnapping nuns to drunk superheroes to spoofs. Just whatever inspires me from real life. Although I've never kidnapped any nuns. I do wonder why I've never felt the need to mess with rewrites and such. God knows, there's a shortlist I'd change with the real show. :p

I used to write a little bit for Charmed, but I only ever posted one fic. There was no rhyme or reason to any of the Charmed boards I hung out at. Actually, there were too many fans, and it was always sort of crazy.

Overall, what do they have that you don't have? Well, these days, nothing. I've had several fanfic communities dissolve, and this one's still kicking. It's certainly the most organized archive I've ever seen, website, editors, et al. If my muse ever comes back from sipping Mai Tai's on the beach, she's coming straight here. And that's incredibly easy for me to do since I write comedy. In such a genre, I don't find myself limited by themes, canons, characterization, etc, etc.

Ok, this is like the most I've ever said in a post. Mouth is closing haha.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy