I came to this particular archive/writing fandom fairly late. Well, that's not entirely true. I had written L&C stories prior to posting in October, but they were not very good wink

Other fandoms however I have been writing and posting in for YEARS now. In fact, I'm far more active in other fandoms than I am in this one (though I love L&C to death).

On my fanfiction.net account I currently have 10 stories up.

One is my L&C fic "Revelations in Captivity"... two are Buffy/Highlander crossovers (one is a sequel), five are just straight Buffy fics and one is a Harry Potter/Angel crossover (I think that's ten right?) Oh and I have a Doctor Who fic up.

That's just what I have UP. I have been writing Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Remington Steele, 21 Jump St. and various other fandoms for just...well, forever.

What's the appeal? Well Buffy is far more open in terms of what is acceptable story-wise and character wise. You can kill more characters off, play with different pairings, it's easier to write crossovers, etc. etc. etc.

There are so many taboo things with L&C that I always found it easier to write in other fandoms where I could let me imagination really go anywhere.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Lois and Clark and I have a LONG story that I will be posting here fairly soon, but there is only so much you can do.

I guess I've always been a multi fandom nerd. I am in so many sci-fi/fantasy communities now it's hard to keep track of them all. And I always crave more.

You guys have been so welcoming and so nice and just so wonderful that I've wanted to post more here just so that I'd be a part of this already amazing archive of stories that exists here. I'm excited for this next fic I have coming and maybe one of these days I'll get around to that L&C/Remington Steele crossover wink

So yeah...that's my opinion. smile

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."