Well, I'm late to the party but I wanted to chime in here anyway. I write for all sorts of fandoms <g>. I don't actually finish things in all sorts of fandoms, but I start them wink

I've written most... successfully? <g>... in FoLCdom, I think in part because of the enthusiastic reader base and the support of friends I have here. But I've written for Star Wars (Han/Leia, Luke/Mara, and some miscellaneous things), Gargoyles (Goliath/Elisa), Aida (the musical), Star Trek TNG (Crusher/Picard). I think I even wrote some Matrix fanfic long long ago.

And heck, now that I think about it, as a child I remember writing about Rainbow Brite, The Little Mermaid, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the Rats of NIMH. I even went so far as to write the author of NIMH and ask permission, because I understood that what I was doing was copyright infringement <g>. She was very kind and wrote back and told me to go ahead wink

My writing style does change somewhat from group to group, as the audience's expectations and preferences are different. I remember being a little upset, after working exclusively on In Dreams for a year and a half, that I seemed to have forgotten how to write in any other style! But I remembered eventually. And I'm a romantic, so most of my stories tend to focus on relationships, regardless of the fandom.