My fanfic origins are incredibly shameful. Actually, I always say that but I really shouldn't. I started out at the age of 13, writing *NSync fanfiction because I was so desperately 'in love' with Justin Timberlake. lol! I started a hundred stories and never finished any of them. Looking back, they are all 'Mary Sue' stories. However, I learnt a lot from writing them, and they helped me shape my never-ending imagination!

A few years later I wrote some O-Town fiction. As my tastes changed, (not necessarily for the better!) but I got bored of writing the same type of story.

Then I discovered dear Tobey Maguire, and my writing style changed completely. I now write fiction for TMO (Tobey Maguire Online) message-boards, and have really grown thanks to the useful feedback and advice that the members always give.

That's pretty much why I am here. I want to continue writing about subjects, and characters that mean a lot to me and excite me. I've been a L&C fan for ages, much to my parents and older sisters annoyance, and feel I want to write something that will keep me from watching my season 1-2 DVD's all the time, (it really is a bad habit!)

The only problem is all the stories I can find are so clever, imaginative, well thought out, and, not to mention, well written, that I am kind of intimidated.