Thanks for the explanation, Sara. Couldn't figure that one out on my own.

As for "grok," it's a made-up word from the pen of the late Robert A. Heinlien. In his novel "Stranger in a Strange Land," he introduces a character who was born on Mars, loses his human parents and caretakers, and is raised by Martians, who have a view of the universe which is quite different from that of any human. To a Martian, to "grok" means to comprehend the totality of something. When one "groks" another person, one knows not only the physical form of that person but the mind, the psyche, the inner motivations, and the secret aspirations, along with anything that might reside in other dimensions or realities.

Weird, huh?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing