this place is awesome
I agree, Metro!

I don't currently write for other fandoms*, but I do read a lot of other fandoms, mainly Harry Potter and Pride & Prejudice, so I just wanted to throw in my .02 about one thing even though it is technically off topic.

*(although I did put up one in the Superman Returns forum at fanfiction.net, but that is so closely related that I don't think it counts)

I love this fandom, for lots of reasons: because it is so tightly knit, with veterans like Labby and Pam and Wendy who care and show us newbies the way, not to mention going above and beyond with things like editing; because the quality of the writing here blows me away; because the collaboration between this message board, Annesplace, and lcfanfic.com is like having three great places to hang out all in one home; because the nfic section is lovely nfic, not porn nfic; and finally because the people here are intelligent, providing interesting conversations and no flaming. So, thank you to everyone who makes it that way!

EDIT - Whoops, just found the Reading other Fanfics thread; this should have gone there. Sorry! peep

lisa in the sky with diamonds