I've written a Tekken fic, and it's almost a year that I've been reading and writing Harry Potter fic as well. Currently, it's the HP universe that my writing is focused on the most (because I want to finish my post-Book 6 story before Book 7 comes out, LOL.).

I'll try to answer your questions, Yvonne - they're very interesting and I enjoy reading other people's replies too. But personally, I'm not sure I *can* answer.

Do you use the same style here as there?
Hmm, dunno. I think I do, for the most part.

Do you tend to address the same themes whichever fandom you write for? Or do you find yourself adopting a completely different approach for each fandom you write in?
If by 'themes' you mean particular actions/activities etc., no, not really. If you're talking about the nature of the stories, though I wouldn't say it's really the same, there are some similarities and some common ground between the stories I've written for the two fandoms. For example, when I write about a pairing (be it Lois and Clark, or a pairing from HP), I usually write about their relationship up until they get together. When they have actually gotten together, they're not as attractive to me.

Often, my 'romance' stories don't even result to the characters getting together - they're just kind of missing scenes with a vaguely romantic nature (someone contemplating about the one they're in love with, or something). In L&C, these stories have always been WAFFy - in HP I've written a few angsty stories too. It might have to do with the pairing - not all pairings have the same history.

Your question about approach is very interesting. Both universes allow space for all kinds of stories (ranging from humour to angst to action etc.). In both fandoms, there are people who write only in a certain genre - just humour, just angst, just action etc.. I'm not like that. In both fandoms, I've taken a shot at most genres, whether in individual stories or in stories that include more than one genres. I don't know if maybe I'm better at one genre better than the other, but I get ideas 'universally' for both fandoms.

Though I think it's notable that angst has worked better for me in the HP fandom than in the L&C one. I don't know if it was the plot ideas I chose each time, that my L&C angst was among the first things I wrote (and admittedly, my first stories were far from fantabulous), the fact that HP is, as a whole, an angstier fandom, or something else.

And what attracts you to those other fandoms, from a writing perspective - in other words, what have they got that we haven't?
I think it's the fact that, in HP, there's an awful lot of things happening 'behind the scenes' - we know they've happened, but we don't know *how* they happened. There's a huge quantity of interesting background/side characters we don't see enough, so many ways and layers of interpreting the same fact, it just begs you to write about it. If you find an event that will trigger your writing insticts, then sooner or later you start to explore the other events too, and there's just so many of them.

To tell you the truth, before Book 6 I wasn't very interested in reading or writing HP fanfic. I'd tried it a few times, but never really got into it. Then, in Book 6, appeared a lovely (imo) pairing, on whose background we had very, very little information. That was my cue - a pairing I like and we don't know how they got together! Not to mention a certain fact of the book that could be explained in a thousand different ways... I started writing a behind-the-scenes-of-Book-6 story, and then branched out to other stories too.

I must say one thing, though - FoLCdom is DA BEST laugh Not just about the quality of fics (which, really, is astounding, and, while I don't have much experience, I doubt there are fandoms who can rival us about it) but also about the quality of people populating it. We don't have trolls bugging us, and people here are nice, gentle and helpful. Now, I understand that everyone has the right to flip out at some point or other, because we're not saints; I know things haven't always been easy and there have been ugly moments. But (at least, as far as I've seen) even then there have been people mature enough to find a solution and minimize their effects on the fandom as a whole. I guess it's one of the perks of the FoLCdom being relatively small.

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...