I've never written for another fandom. I have always enjoyed writing and story telling. When I was a kid back in school, my best friend and I had a 45-minute bus ride to and from school everyday. We used that time to make up stories. One story we created spanned the whole school year. It was a joint effort and we added to it every day. By the end of the year, kids would sit around us on the bus and listen to us tell our story. It was a lot of fun.

In highschool, I took every writing class I could get my hands on...poetry, short stories, journals, I loved them all. I managed to get one of my poems published in a magazine called "New Wine". One of my poems also won a poetry contest and a greeting card company (I don't remember if it was Hallmark or who, it's been too long ago) took the rights of my poem with the option to use it in a greeting card. Not that big of a deal, I know, but I thought it was neat.

In two of the writing classes I took, we made a book of everything we wrote, which I still have. But otherwise, all my writing has just been a "personal pleasure/release" sort of thing.

This is the first place where I've written something and put it out there for others to read and comment on. And honestly, this place is awesome.

I love that it has strict guidelines to protect young people, and people who just don't want to read stuff above PG-13. Why force something on someone who doesn't want it? When they can choose to view it elsewhere (at Annesplace).

I also absolutely love that there are so many hard working FoLC's out there who are willing to act as editors for our stories, so that the very best writing we can produce is what ends up on the Archive. Those of you who fill this position amaze me and have my admiration and thanks for what you do.

Anyway, I think I've prattled on long enough. This was a very interesting topic though, and I wanted to share my story.

Thanks -- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.