I'm new here, and I'm actually just working on my first L&C fic. The first chapter of 9 will be ready for posting in the near future.

I've been described as being "omnivorous" in my reading habits, and unpredictable in my writing habits! *grin* I started writing fanfic when I was about ten +/- (wish I could remember exactly) and kept it secret for a very long time because I thought writing stories in someone else's universe was illegal and they might arrest me if anyone knew about it. So I had a secret journal of He-man and Thundercats fanfic that I hid under my bed. I still have it, somewhere. Complete with illustrations. Bad ones.

I've written stories about Disney's Gargoyles, X-files, Misty Lackey's Valdemar (and the authorized print zine they were for promptly folded so they're not available), CBS' Beauty and the Beast, Buffy, Star Trek, Quantum Leap, Highlander, and a few crossovers and probably some stuff I'm missing. I've also written quite a bit of original fiction.

L&C is actually a bit intimidating because the quality of the work in the archives is so very high. I've read a LOT of fanfic and I don't think I've ever seen a fandom with such a consistently high level of work available. It's inspirational and a bit scary.
