Like a lot of others, when I was writing LnC fic, I couldn't imagine writing anything else. (Or reading, for that matter.) I never thought I'd write fanfic for any other show. Then, with time, I sort of grew tired of LnC. I felt like I'd run out of ideas for the characters, or at least, I ran out of energy for writing the ideas I had. My interest in other fandoms grew and eventually I wrote stories for CSI (the original Las Vegas cast), Law and Order: SVU, and Xena: WP.

I think, in general, my writing style remains the same, but I tackled very different issues in other fandoms. I was able to branch out and write characters who were very different than Lois and Clark.

I have to say though that I really missed this fandom, even when I wasn't really interested in the stories (writing or reading). I think this group is uniquely unified and supportive as well as talented. For a long time, the quality of the writing here was really unparalleled to anything I saw in other fandoms. I would grow so tired of sifting through hundreds of stories just to find something that didn't make me cringe. When I discovered the Xena fandom, I was thrilled because the writing there is superb. Many, many of the writers in that fandom have gone on to become published romance authors, which is nice not only because it indicates the quality of their fanfic, but also because it's inspiring to someone like me who hopes to make that jump someday. But what I didn't find there is the centralized community that we have here. That fandom is SO large and so spread out among various listservs, that it isn't welcoming the way this one is. Although I very much enjoy the entertainment and inspiration that fandom provides, it's never been a place where I have socialized.

It's been a year or so now since I have written any fanfic (aside from a vignette here or there) and I'm really trying to focus on writing original fiction. I enjoy it, but I definitely miss the community and resources that this fandom had to offer. Which is why I can't help but pop back in every once in awhile, even if I'm not writing anymore. smile

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen