This is a really interesting question, and one that I am looking forward to seeing many more answers to smile

For myself, I had no idea there was such a thing as fanfic until I was searching the web desperate to find out what happened after the baby cliffie that LnC ended off with - which of course led me to the 'virtual' seasons of LnC, which in turn led me to the archive, and from there a whole new world had been shown to me clap

I read voraciously and then came up with the bright idea to try to write something of my own. My first effort of course was not very good, specially when I go back and read it now cringing, but I kept trying and I like to think that after some time I got better. Then the ideas for some crossovers came to me, and then from there I read other fandoms and thought about what I might write for them... and now I have written in a few fandoms. Sentinel, Robin, Batman, X-men, Mag 7, Batman Beyond... and now I have some ideas bouncing around with Stargate and Buffy-ish stuff there <g>...
(hmmm maybe I just need an attention span better than that of a gnat jump )

Well keep penning everyone, no matter who you are writing about,

Marns AKA Bumpkin
~pobody's Nerfect

~pobody's nerfect