Here is more on the South Shore African Village Cooperative (SSAFC, which I mentioned before was a recipient of funds from the Obama chaired Chicago Annenberg Cooperative)

Apparently, the SSAVC "featured “African-Centered” curricula built around “rites of passage” ceremonies inspired by the puberty rites found in many African societies. In and of themselves, these ceremonies were harmless. Yet the philosophy that accompanied them was not. On the contrary, it was a carbon-copy of Jeremiah Wright’s worldview."

For more on exactly how Jeremiah Wright's worldview coincides with that of the "rights of passage" movement, click on the link and read the entire article.

Supporters of the rites of passage movement describe it as "a social and cultural ‘inoculation’ process that facilitates healthy, African-centered development among African American youth and protects them against the ravages of a racist, sexist, capitalist, and oppressive society.”

This is completely consistant with Ayers's philosophy of education reform as a "motor-force of revolution", a non-neutral, value-based, political tool to be used by social reformers in their fight against capitalism.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster