If you think Obama has so much experience,
Where does this come from? I mean it’s kind of a jump from:

So much opinion dressed as fact…
And then:

Good. Glad that's cleared up.
I guess (implied) disagreement means I automatically think that Obama "has so much experience" or "vast experience?" Nevermind that I haven't even gone into what exactly I disagree with in that long response to Ann. Since it’s quite a bit of opinion, I assure you, there’s plenty to disagree with.

Still…perhaps you know something I don’t about what I think about Obama’s experience.

But if you know what I think already, I don’t see the use in me bothering with a researched response. Anything I write would be endlessly boring in comparison to that alcyone that thinks Obama has “vast experience” and goodness knows what else. It's her you seem to want to argue with.

Ultimately this sounds too much like another one of those my-candidate-is-better-than-yours carnivals to me. Predictably, I'm still not taking the bait, since I'm still not a fan.

Pass. smile


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan