Thanks Jojo for the link. on Tony Rezko. The website states:

A political patron from whom he bought a strip of land is under federal indictment, but there's no evidence Obama did anything improper.
More baseless junk. The six degrees thing. Just because the Republicans want to imply corruption through association doesn't mean that this is the case. I, at least, need more than that.

And don't fall for the "passing acquaintance" thing -- Obama's political career was launched from Bill Ayers' house. (Or was that Tony Rezko? You know, the guy recently convicted of corruption. It's hard to keep track of the unsavory associates.) Ayers founded an organization and tapped Obama to run it. They worked together for years.
Huh? Did you read (which I like since its nonpartisan)? Or any non-right publication and cross check this? There are no hard facts. This sounds like an argument based on a lot hopeful thinking from the Republican side (the reality is of course somewhere in between in the pragmatic nature of politics). I've looked this up quite a bit in both right and left leaning publications. I try not to just read those things where their point of view is just like mine.

Still, there is sometimes truth buried in there.
These are instances where I rather stick with facts than rumors, personally. And I don't mean with my candidate alone. I feel the same about both. If I list examples its to pick apart that these two campaigns are really not that different in the misrepresented views they send about each other. Not to claim that the side I am in is free of all blame or to demonize the other side. I might fail, but I do try.

But in any case, hopeful thinking from either side doesn't convince me. Neither side is squeaky clean (come on Palin is gov for 20 months and already there's a scandal?), that's some more hopeful thinking.

"presented to her"? Like she was just sitting around and someone just gave them to her, for no good reason? Sarah Palin's worked hard for every advancement she's made.
I used "presented" without much reflection. I was very tired by then. I don't mean to downplay Palin's accomplishments and the hard work it's taken. But the choices she has now are not the choices I have, was my point. And implicitly, linking up values with a class (note the Republicans raising up populism while cutting taxes "where they can"--see, my bias fully emerge) is a fantasy.

We're much more diverse a population than that in all forms. But acknowledging that would make things hard if you're running on "I'm like you."

But I do have to say McCain has again and again shown to be a classy guy in this race (because I don't base my judgment on his life, otherwise the wife thing might give me pause). I'm not too entrenched in my bias not to notice the neat things he's said/done (yay, on his "congratulations" ad on Obama's night) and give credit where its due. It's not possible to be entirely fair, but it's a good excercise to try.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan