I said that I wasn't going to join the Palin debate, but I saw something in today's New York Times that I just have to comment on. According to NYT, when Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the town made rape victims pay for their own rape kits and forensics exams. Which means that if a woman was raped and she didn't have perhaps a thousand dollars to spare, she couldn't afford to get legal evidence that she had been raped, and there would be no forensic evidence against the rapist.

Is it really true that Wasilla wouldn't pay for rape kits and forensic exams for rape victims? I don't know. I only read that claim in the New York Times. The article sounds reliable to me, but, as I said, ultimately I don't know if it tells me the truth. But if indeed it does, and Wasilla under Palin really made rape victims pay for their own rape kits even though the town helped other victims of crime for nothing, then I find this discrimination against rape victims totally shocking, and just about incredibly sexist.

The article is here .
