Groobie said:
But I don't understand why Sarah, who was a journalism major, would put her family in a position where their privacy would be completely shattered. She must have known this would become national news...

The million dollar question: Is there a better way to select our elected officials? One that encourages public service while avoiding the obliteration of personal privacy?
You make some great points, Groobie. I think that some intrusion into privacy is valid and, in fact, necessary as we evaluate people's qualifications to be our leaders, because character pervades all aspects of our lives and certain aspects of character in private life will bleed over into public life. However, I also abhor the invasiveness that the media currently chooses, both with politicians and celebrities. Especially as it prevents some very qualified leaders, who would be amazing in these upper offices, from running because they choose to protect their family over their career. Where is the healthy middle ground? I have no idea.

As for Gov. Palin's choice to run, knowing what would come out about her family... I wouldn't have. But that's me - and I'd make the same choice even if I *didn't* have a pregnant teenager. It's her choice and I respect her for making it. Personally, I hope she discussed it with her daughter - with all her kids, actually, but especially Bristol - before making the final decision. But that's just my thoughts on parenting in general: I think parents should discuss large changes with children, with detail given and level of input received proportionate to age/maturity.


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.