LOL and the obama camp is whining about her lack of experience!?! Hello,POT CALLING KETTLE....!!!
Which, of course, could apply equally to the McCain camp - whine about your opponent having no experience and then choose someone equally lacking for your running mate.

What I find ironic - and deeply amusing - is that if Ms. Palin is the paragon that everyone on the right seems to believe she is - why isn't she the Republican nominee for President? goofy

I mean, I've been listening to all these Republicans waxing reverential about her on the news channels - she's a feisty campaigner, she's 'just what we need', she's bringing 'youth and vitality' to a tired old man's campaign....

Well, gee, sounds like someone you'd want in the top job then, huh?

So, really, what this says to me is that far from proving McCain's feminist credentials, it seems that women are still only good enough for second place in the Republican party.

Hey, at least the Democrats actually put one on the list for the top job.

LabRat smile (who still finds it amusing that Republicans accuse Obama of having no foreign policy experience when the same attack against Bush before he was elected was met with the counter that he would have plenty of advisers to help him out, so he didn't need it. Although...considering the complete cockup he's made of foreign policy during his tenure, perhaps that's the point. goofy Maybe that's why everyone's so hot for the President not having to rely on advisers and having his own experience these days. Learn from your mistakes... wink

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers