They are very furious and disgusted with the sexism that was aimed against Hillary during the primaries, and with the sexism from the same sources that's now going after Governor Palin. There seem to be a lot of women there who've decided to vote Republican for the first time in their lives (there's a lot of comments on the theme of "I never thought I'd do this, but...").
They were talking to two die-hard Hillary supporters who, on their way home from Denver, heard the slime being thrown at Gov. Palin and decided to find Minneapolis, to offer their support. They'd been working on the trail for Hillary for over a year, they said.
She's now voting for McCain/Palin. She's a strong woman and loved that about Palin even if they disagree on a lot of issues.
I'm sorry; I can't help but read these statements as confirmation that the Republican ploy to get the Hillary supporters' votes for Palin because of her gender, is working. They have vastly different views on so many issues, yet women everywhere are deciding to turn a blind eye to that.

Alcyone's post (thank you!!!) illustrates exactly what I meant when I said Palin's views negate her being a woman herself, as far as the women's rights movement goes. Furthermore, IMHO, voting for a woman because of her gender when you disagree with most, if not all, of her policies, is just as sexist (and harmful) as voting for a male candidate just because he is the male. Sexism goes both ways and many people forget that. Not to mention, a double-standard, when the women guilty of the first are raging against the latter, not seeing the parallel or perhaps ignoring it.

Yes, Pam, I agree that her views on various issues don't mean that she'll get to make her opinion absolute law in the US, but there is a lot of harm she could do, not least of which is offer her support (compounded by her status as VP) to people who could change laws - for instance, state laws regarding sexual education, abortion, same-sex marriage, and such.

I also want to add this in: people who are pro-choice and support same-sex marriage, are not necessarily the ones who are going to run and get an abortion or get married the very next day they are allowed to do it. They are also the people who believe that the ones who want to do it, should be able to, regardless of anyone else's moral standing on this. And this is why I think Palin is, in fact, not a human rights supporter.


Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)