Before someone else brings it up to fingerpoint I'll do it, because it's only fair.

Seems like the Obama campaign is going to step into the muck as well.

Let me be very clear, I don't like stuff like this from any side. I'm not surprised, but I don't welcome it. I'll echo the person that said that there's a very thin line between judgement questions and character assassination (smear) or something like that. Thin enough, so I sleep better as long as each camp keeps away from it with an occassional slip up now and then.

One thing is to attack taxes and health care plans, another is to consistently paint someone as morally suspect based on admited mistakes and circumstancial evidence. That goes for both candidates, because it's not my style to pretend there's moral superiority in either. This is politics.

I was naive enougn to wish this election could be completed without descending into a character assassination war. Who knows...maybe it will, but I'm not holding my breath.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan