Were the complaints merely about politics being discussed or about forum members being insulted? As far as I can tell, this has been a very civil discussion where no forum members have been insulted or put down.
The suggestion was, Roger, that some members of the forum have been venting elsewhere that this particular thread has been conducted in a less than friendly and polite manner.

Interestingly, the members in question - whoever they may be - appear to come from both sides of the political divide. (I'm always of the general view that if both sides are complaining of being mistreated in a political debate, it usually means something's being done right. goofy )

Wendy and Bethy - who have read the thread - do not seem to be of the opinion that the debate has been conducted impolitely for the most part. So unless those members who are unhappy complain at an official level, with specifics of their concerns, we'll be taking this no further.

I think, perhaps, when politics is the subject under discussion, people's passions can easily allow them to see insult where none is intended. Perhaps more so than in other debates, when it is so close to their hearts.

Perhaps everyone could bear that in mind when posting and just take a moment or two to add an extra layer of courtesy, a little extra care in how they frame their words, to help smooth things along.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers