The national debt stands at about $9.7 trillion and increases by about $2 billion a day. But no one seems eager to talk about how we're going to pay that off. Of course, that's not particularly surprising - politicians have a knack for avoiding candid discussions about difficult issues, and the public at large has a knack for withdrawing support for candidates that dare to honestly tell people what they need to hear. Whatever the issue, it's much easier to placate the masses with a quick sound bite that offers the illusion of a simple fix. As I remind my students, each presidential candidate can talk about whatever ideas he wants to, but as president, he will not have the Constitutional power to enact any of those plans. Voters need to focus some attention on members of Congress - they are the ones with the power to make real changes in the policies of our country.

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink