Well Arawn I guess it just basically comes down to a difference in culture, a difference in how people are brought up, different religious backgrounds (I think this is a big one) and a difference in opinion.

I know for me personally, I wouldn't allow my kids to read anything on the nfic page... I don't feel the subject matter is at all appropriate for the young and impressionable... but that's basically because no matter what I may write, and or read myself personally, I don't believe in treating sex flippantly - I believe in marriage and *forever* and monogamy and all that sentimental stuff (and a lot of other very admamant, very personal views that I refuse to get into a discussion about) that I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with me on. That's one of the things that I loved about the original Lois & Clark series, was the level of regard it had for marriage before intimacy... that may be because it was in the 8:00 time slot on ABC, but even so... I appreciated it because I hate the TV shows where everyone is jumping in bed with everyone else at the drop of a hat...

And so, because of those beliefs (marriage and forever, etc...) and because I would be trying to instill those beliefs in my child, I wouldn't allow them to read nfic, while they were young and impressionable - and certainly not during their teenage years while their hormones are running wild and rampant. I don't want what someone else has written to teach my kids about sex... that would be my job.

But the nice thing about these boards is that everyone is very tactful in presenting their views on things, and we do have a wide range of different cultures and backgrounds presented here. In some instances, we just have to agree to disagree on things.

But I do think that the password protection - even with it's flaws and faults - is a good measure to have in place... if for nothing else to protect the owners of this wonderful fansite.

And I promise everyone that's my last bit of opinion on the subject. Like a friend of mine always told me... "Opinions are like noses - everyone has one and some are bigger than others". I don't want to be told I have a big *nose*. goofy So I'll bid my adieu to this thread - thanks to all for the enlightening discussion and tactful way of presenting opposing arguments. I really like that this message board doesn't dissolve into fighting matches or flame wars. I think it shows the level of maturity on the boards.

-- MR angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.