True, but if the hypothetical transgression is so widespread and so much more extreme, it’s a reasonable assumption. (And the US has the largest porn industry in the world which suggests they are not that sensitive.)
Arawn, don't assume that because there are many porn sites (unfortunately) in the USA that suggests people aren't sensitive about it. That's like saying, "Oh, well, no big deal... We have free speech laws so it's just perfectly fine for the KKK to march in the streets and burn crosses on people's lawns." Yes, It's legal, but most Americans don't like it at all. Well, actually it's not legal to burn crosses on people's lawns, but they can still do it in a public venue.

(Oh, and don't get me wrong. I, like so many others (including you) who have commented, would NEVER consider anything on this site to be porn.)

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~