If I wanted to re-read Faustian and somehow didn't have access or want to read the nfic version, I would very happily read the PG version, because I loved the "story" -- more than just the smut. I have no idea if anyone understands what I mean by that... but well... there you have it.
Oh, I totally get it. Most of my other comments have already been echoed here, but as for this one, I read PLENTY of stories in both gfic and nfic versions. For me, the sex doesn't make the story, no matter how well-written (and no matter how many jokes I made about it during the Faustian parties LOL). I've always thought that you can tell a truly superb author by his or her knack for weaving in all the details, including the sex, if they choose to do so. And so what if you cut and Gfic? If the story is that good, the dialogue, the a-plot, and the b-relationship sans the horizontal tango will still be there to entice you. Of course, that all depends on the story's ability to be Gfic-ed to begin with, but sufficed to say, there have been PLENTY of stories to my taste that work with and without encounters of the nth kind. But I think it all comes down to personal taste.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy