Thank you Caroline, I bow before you obvious superior knowledge of fanfic.

I don't know what other fanfiction you read, and it is certainly true that different fandoms handle things differently, but in my experience, there just isn't anything about the system here that is especially unusual or noteworthy.
Lois and Clark is the first fandom I’ve actually given a chance. Before fanfic were artefacts I run into searching for other things(often porn, which might be why I associate fanfic with smut laugh ).
And by my experience what is behind lock and key here is extremely innocent compared to what is immediately accessible in cyberspace. No people I know would find it offensive, and since it so well written I couldn’t see how a greater exposure would harm the community. But when I was told that there often were separate communites for G and Nfic, it made me associate this to the "ship war" thing and it occurred to me that it could be the same phenomena, that some find smut with their favourite ship unacceptable, in the same way they find the wrong ship unacceptable.

Many of these sprang up in the wake of's decision to ban NC-17 material some years back, and security at these sites tightened up somewhat further after a flurry of C&D letters were sent on behalf of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers to various sites that housed explicit material.
Under what circumstance does this Cease and Desist stuff occur? Isn’t Rowlins famous for approving of fanfic? And what change when the authors form a another community?

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...