I don't want to offend anyone and it seems to me that if you have to go to the extra effort of getting a password, I know at the very least that you know what you're getting yourself into.
And you don’t, if you have to click the I,m over 18, enter, button? Reading an erotic story isn’t like looking at pictures you have to immerse yourself to get too the juicy parts, it doesn’t happen by accident, and even when they get too the juicy parts what is it that people will encounter? I have virtually never read something that any teenager I know would consider more then the basics.

Well, the United States has quite a few laws and statutes involving obscenity, especially related to the distribution of sexually explicit material to minors, to the point where I think it's always better to be safe than sorry.
But this is about a half galaxy beyond safe. You can hardly click on an random internet link without being directed to a porn site. There is countless sites with erotic stories. The least explicit that makes the nfic section look like a kindergarten. If a box with “don’t enter if you are above 18” isn’t enough there should be about a million American websites that should be prosecuted for obscenity for hugely better reason than Lcnfanfic. And what about all other adult fanfic sites are they all run from Europe?

Seriously I might be a pervert but who could go to the Nfic section for masturbation material? I don’t know about what kind of adult filters you have for your kids, but I would be happy see any kid of mine reading in the Nfic section. Provided such vanilla smut could hold their attention.

It's never been entirely about protecting minors. Partly it was to protect the fandom from splits and flame wars and general unpleasantness. And partly to protect us from legal hassles.
OK, but really are their anyone that finds Nfic section kinky today? I really would like someone explaining why in that case(not to call them prudes, I’m just honestly curious why they think it would matter.)

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...