If I wanted to re-read Faustian and somehow didn't have access or want to read the nfic version, I would very happily read the PG version, because I loved the "story" -- more than just the smut. I have no idea if anyone understands what I mean by that... but well... there you have it.
Yes, because Faustian is just hands down a great story. The smut was totally appropriate, very well written and I loved it, but it wasn't the crux of the plot.

I really enjoy good nfic blush but I am pretty picky about what I consider *good*. I often will start a story on Annesplace but then stop because I realize it was just written as an excuse to have a nfic scene. Not that that makes it a bad story, but frankly it bores me. I prefer to have my nfic fix along with a strong A plot, or even a strong B plot as long as it is about more than just sex.

lisa in the sky with diamonds