I understand *exactly* what Rivka is saying. There are just those people out there (on occasion me included - depending on my frame of mind) that just prefer not to read the nfic scenes. Who actually prefer that stuff to be left behind closed doors or left up to their imaginations (like the good old Cary Grant movies... mmm... yum!)
This isn't directed specifically at DJ, but her quote started me thinking about what I mentioned before--this assumption that nfic is all about nasty bits and smut (the assumption the writer of Arawn's posted article), which from this thread still seems to be alive and kicking.

Even reading things like "brilliant nfic" gives me pause because I'm not sure if people mean adult fic (fics of an adult nature) or nfics with sex scenes anymore. I supose the distinction doesn't matter, depending on taste.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan