OK, but really are their anyone that finds Nfic section kinky today?
Okay, I haven't ran across anything that I'd consider 'kinky' on this board, but I have read some stuff at Anne's place that I would consider kinky.

I haven't yet read Tainted Love, but I did read Dirty Pool and Tainted Love is the rewrite of that fic. Dirty Pool (very good fic) included a a sexual assault, and I'm not sure I'd want one an underage child of mine reading that, so I appreciate the password protection.

Obscenity laws in the US have always been a source of great contention. After all, who decides what is obscene?
This is true, but when I get an unsolicited email showing sex acts, I consider that obscene.

And, as I said in my previous post, our experience is that some minors lie to get access to nfic. You might as well just not bother having the button at all and just have a free for all, for all the barrier they provide.
But, LabRat, as you previously said:

It hasn't been unknown in the past, for example, for the admins to be blasted with email from irate parents who have just discovered their little darlings reading nfic. (Although they have backed down sharply when we can show them proof - through the password/access application forms - that said little darlings lied their back teeth off about their age to gain access
I think this is good that you have this to show mommy and daddy. Of course if mommy and daddy are so worried about their little darlings, then they need to watch them closely. Having filters doesn't always help because the kids figure out how to turn them off.

I do remember being frustrated when I wasn't successfull in finding any Lois and Clark nfic I could read!
I'm surprised. There are all sorts of 'back doors' that I've stumbled on accidentally. (I ain't tellin'.)

Also, I think it's strange that many people in this thread use the word "smut" as an all-'round term for Nfic. To me, "smut" is more on the line with "porn," "S&M," or even "rape," than with "vanilla sex" or "making love." Any thoughts?

Well, okay, maybe not "rape." But "smut" definitely has a MUCH less-innocent connotation for me than "consenting sex between adults" or "making love."
I agree, Darcy. To me, smut definitely has a much less innocent connotation.

Although . . . come to think of it, I don't know of any other word besides "sex," or "sex fics" that might fit.
I like 'nfic'. It's simple enough that adults know what it means, but a 9 or 10 year old doesn't.

Arawn (or anyone else from Europe), I wonder if you have considered the differences in American advertising. It's been a long time since I went to Europe, but I assume it's still the same. When I visited Europe, I was a bit shocked to find topless ladies on billboards. That was about 30 yeas ago. In the States, we still don't have topless ladies on billboards. That's just one example, but for the most part, nudity is not used in advertising here. That may be one reason why some Americans would be upset by the idea of their kids getting to these sites easily.

Arawn and I were posting at almost the same time. I think guys read romance novels. They just hide them really well. Okay, so they don't read them as much as the ladies, but they read 'em. I for one get aggravated at romance novels because there's often too much characterization. I guess I'm not the typical lady because I usually hate 'chick flicks'.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~