One thing pains me, though - that stories that were written as brilliant nfic are locked away and get reposted as watered-down gfic. Yes, that does bother me.

Well, Ann, I've read some fics that were better as gfic or pgfic because the nfic version was pretty lousy, so this isn't always true.
You are absolutely right, Nancy.

And Rivka, my intention was never to suggest that nfic is always brilliant, or that it is brilliant because it contains nfic scenes. I'm saying that some nfics contain brilliant nfic scenes, and in my opinion, these stories really lose something when they become PGified.

But, as Nancy said, nfic isn't brilliant just because it is nfic. Smut isn't good in and of itself. Indeed, sometimes a story becomes better when it loses its nfic scene(s) because the smut wasn't interesting in itself, and in fact it was a distraction rather than an important story element.
