Arawn, I haven't commented because to me, the password isn't a problem. I also think that as Europeans, you and I must realize that Americans tend to be so much more touchy on the subject of sexuality than Europeans usually are, and tend to find it so much more offensive.

I'm very, very glad that LNC nfic is readily available to people such as me and you, and I very much want to help make sure that those people who manage the sites making these stories available don't get in trouble for it. If a password is the price for that, so be it.

One thing pains me, though - that stories that were written as brilliant nfic are locked away and get reposted as watered-down gfic. Yes, that does bother me. Still, under the circumstances, I guess we must accept that, too.

And let me say, finally, that I completely agree with everyone who says that your posts are always so interesting and thought-provoking, Arawn. I found your link to that text about why fanfic is so smutty absolutely brilliant.
