For those of you that doesn’t know: the Nfic section contains vanilla sex between consenting adults virtually always tastefully done as a part of the love story.
Not always. As Yvonne said above, the Nfic section also includes especially violent fics that take them over the PG-13 rating. Not to mention, the sex portrayed isn't always "vanilla," whether it's between two consenting adults or not.

It would have surprised me greatly if the nfic were pornographic and they weren’t, they just treated sex as the natural part of life it is. Sure there is a sexual romp here and there, but those are cute rather then arousing IMO.
Some Nfic actually is pornographic, IMO--which isn't to say I don't enjoy it. And I've found that, as long as the writing is good, even the "cute romps" can be arousing.

It's all a matter of how your imagination works when you read.

Me, I didn't ask for access to the Nfic forum until I saw a fic in the PG forum which was further along as an Nfic--I wanted more chapters, and I wanted them NOW, so I asked for Nfic access.

That isn't to say that I would necessarily want my 11-year-old brother to read Nfic--I firmly believe that there is a time and age for every piece of knowledge, and that exactly what happens during sex doesn't have to be known about when you're 11. It's enough to sum it up for that age group--or skip to the "morning after" scene, IMO, if there's sex in the story at all.

Also, I think it's strange that many people in this thread use the word "smut" as an all-'round term for Nfic. To me, "smut" is more on the line with "porn," "S&M," or even "rape," than with "vanilla sex" or "making love." Any thoughts?

Well, okay, maybe not "rape." But "smut" definitely has a MUCH less-innocent connotation for me than "consenting sex between adults" or "making love."

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place