Hmm. I get the whole protecting the fandom bit and the law, I'm just wondering why getting a novel that contains graphic sex in a drugstore is just so easy to get in comparison. I suppose it's due to the ability of "happening upon" smut, as opposed to grabbing one of those books, giving them to mommy and freaking her out. I think someone mentioned this on one of the polemic nfic threads and I found myself scratching my head.

But yes, I find myself convinced that this is a reflection not only of the fandom wanting to protect itself, but also being conscious that the material (aka the whole Superman series) could entice youngsters in a way perhaps other series wouldn't.

It's interesting you mention "vanilla sex." But alas, I don't have time to comment further frown

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan