Well, right away I knew it was a Wendy Richards TOGoM rewrite, but since there are so many of them, I confess that I wasn't sure which one. laugh So I went to the Archive listing, perused through the titles, and then this was my second choice... Obviously I have some re-reading to do. It's That Old Obsession of Mine.

And from another story that I adore. I'm giving too much away in the quote, I know, but I love it so much that I just can't help myself...

Lois stared into his eyes for a long moment, then almost on instinct, began to move her face slowly towards his. She didn't know who his lost love was, and at that moment, she didn't care. What she did know was that she wanted to kiss him, to comfort him and soothe him, and to make them each forget, if only for a few moments, all of their regrets.

Her eyes closed as their lips touched softly. She felt his mouth relax against hers, and hers did the same. One kiss led to another as they nibbled gently on each others' lips, exploring and caressing and tasting.

Slowly, Lois shifted her weight and scooted over to Clark's lap. Their kisses so far had been about restrained passion, and she didn't want to escalate things too quickly. But she did want to hold him and look him in the eye, so she sat on his lap, facing him. Clark followed her lead, exploring her mouth thoroughly but not aggressively as they kissed. They let their hands wander slowly through the other's hair, over the other's back, in tender motions.

Finally, Lois pulled back, breathless. She let her head fall back as Clark layered wonderful kisses down her neck. She thought of the woman who had hurt Clark, and Lois found herself hoping that the woman would never change her mind, would never come to Metropolis to win him back.

"Forget her, Clark," Lois whispered as he began feathering butterfly kisses over her cheeks, her nose, her eyelids ... "The one that got away .... forget her."

"I can't ..." he whispered back emotionally as he kissed her cheek. "I love her."

Lois felt tears well up in her eyes as she thought of Clark in love with someone else. She choked back a sob. "Then maybe you should be kissing her," she said in a tiny voice.

Clark exhaled a shaky breath as he lowered his lips to hers. "Lois," he gasped. "I am. God help me, I am."

As their lips met once more, the rest of the world faded away. For them, there would be no more regrets.
KathyM [Linked Image]

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5