Since Pelican gave the second author, I'll give the answer for Tricia's quote. It's Rac's "Burden of Conscience".

Before I post my quote, let me warn you in advance: it is on the Archive, but it doesn't show up on a Google search. At first I was deliberately avoiding any stories that "didn't" google, but that meant I was having to leave out some of my favorites, and since sometimes you can just see the excerpt and *know* it without needing the search function anyway, I thought, "what the heck..."

And I adore this scene - this whole story - so I had to post it...

"Lois..." With a groan, he leaned in and found her mouth with his, unable to help himself. Kissing her had been on his mind all night, and he just wasn't strong enough to resist anymore. Oh, how he knew he shouldn't be doing this. Really shouldn't be doing this. Really shouldn't be... really shouldn't... really...

Good. She tasted really, really good. His mind immediately reversed directions as his hand came up to trace the line of her jaw, nudging, encouraging her to open her lips more for him. There was no resistance on her part as she willingly complied with his request. It was so natural, so sweet, and yet so passionate at the same time. He found himself wondering how it could feel like that. Then he gave
up thinking at all and let himself be swept away by a moment he had only dreamed about for the last few years.

And whether he knew it or not, Lois was thinking along the same lines. This shouldn't be happening; it was crazy, impulsive...wonderful. It was completely different from every kiss she'd ever received. His lips were warm and gentle, giving more attention than they were receiving, but that didn't seem to matter to him. From the
way he was continually slanting his mouth over hers again and again, giving her pleasure seemed to be his top priority.

She wanted to return the favor, though; she needed to make him feel the way she was feeling right now. So when he asked her without words to take the kiss deeper, she opened her mouth wider and allowed his tongue to slip past her lips.
KathyM [Linked Image]

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5