Got it!! It's Missy's Strangers series, Part 3 - uh, When Two Hearts Collide?

Try this one (should be easy!):
"I fell in love with you quicker than, well, quicker than we escaped from that place last night," she said, a flash of humour asserting itself. "I kept pushing you away because I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of what I feel when we do this." Larissa kissed him then, her lips warm, inviting and soft. Jon pulled her close and felt her hands entwine in his hair. He could hardly believe that she was in his arms and that she was there because she wanted this, too. He felt as if he were dreaming as she plastered his face with frantic kisses. "Oh, Jon, I thought I was
going to lose you," he heard her say in his ear as she stretched herself out full length beside him. He gave as many kisses back to her as she gave him, clutching at her desperately as if to convince himself that she were real, that this was real. He gave in to his passion, caressing her, kissing her, holding her close, but eventually common sense prevailed. It might be a good idea to rein this in a bit, at least until his parents were no longer in his living room. He reluctantly gave her one last kiss before pulling slightly away from her. But he kept her body tucked lightly against his own, not wanting to break all physical contact.

"Are you still scared?" he whispered.

"No," she answered throatily. "I could never be scared of you. Not anymore."

"You were scared of me? Why?"

"You make me feel ... alive, Jon. And, feeling alive meant I could feel the pain from ... before," she finished, her voice cracking. "It hurt."
Wendy smile1

Just a fly-by! *waves*