I know it!

It's About Time by Zoomway

Here's another smoochie from another of my favorite authors laugh

In one of the boldest moves of his life, he leaned down and
covered her mouth with his. For a moment, she was totally
still. In shock, probably, he thought with a smile. He had
shocked Lois Lane.

That was the last coherent thought he had, though, because then
his mouth and his brain both realized exactly what he was
doing. He hadn't kissed her in a long time, but now he knew
the memories didn't do her justice. She felt amazing.

Lois, on the other hand, was stunned. There was no other word
for it. Clark Kent was kissing her, not the way friends kiss,
but the way couples kiss. His lips were moving against hers,
soft and demanding at the same time, urging a response from
her. She didn't know when she began to kiss back, only that it
felt so good that she couldn't help it. She heard him groan
dimly in the background of her dazed mind, and she felt an
answering moan rise in her throat. He slipped his tongue
against her bottom lip, and she gasped, moving her body closer
to his. Somehow her arms had found their way around his neck
and his around her waist. The copies fell unnoticed from her
grasp and fluttered around her feet like dry leaves on a cool
autumn day.
- LauraA laugh

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve