Ooh! I know this!!

It's the sequel to Zoomway's If You Can't Beat 'Em, and it's called Join 'Em, by Kari Urberg. Love those two stories! smile

Okay, so what's this?

"You know, Clark and I have kissed before," Lois countered.

"I'm not talking about those sisterly pecks you've exchanged. I mean you put your all into it and see how he responds. What do you say?" Cat glanced over her shoulder at Clark, then turned back to Lois. "Or are you chicken?"

Lois glared at Cat for a few moments then thrust her hand into her bag and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. She shoved it into Cat's hand. "You hold it."

Lois stood up, smoothed her dress, then marched up the ramp to the coffee area where Clark and Jimmy were still chatting. Cat followed her half-way: then, leaning against the railing, she settled back to watch the event unfold. Other staffers backed away once they saw the look in Lois' eyes as she approached. The commotion caused Clark to turn. Seeing Lois, he smiled at her.

"Hi Lois, what's..."

Clark was cut off in mid-sentence as Lois pulled his head down to her and crushed her lips to his, throwing all the passion she could muster behind it. Clark was at first startled, then surrendered himself to the heat of Lois' kiss. He felt like a man drowning and welcomed it. He began to return the passion that Lois was sending and could tell Lois was beginning to respond to his return kiss, but as quickly as it had started it was over.

Lois released him, turned on her heel, and headed back toward her desk to the sounds of catcalls and applause. Lois didn't slow down or even look at Cat, who was fanning herself with the two bills, as she passed.

"Keep it."
Wendy wink

Just a fly-by! *waves*