This is Christy Landrum's I Still Love You. smile

How about this?

"Clark? What's wrong? What's bothering you?"

Clark swallowed and shifted his gaze from the ceiling to Lois' face. Finally seeing her again, having her close, seeing such hope in her eyes - Clark began to hope, too. He framed her face with his hands, brushing her brow, her cheeks and lips with his fingers. Lois' response encouraged him and he drew her face to his to brush his lips along the same lines his fingers had just touched.

Lois' body tingled at Clark's touch. Her dreams had been haunted by his image and her body tortured by the memory of his touch. To have him here now and to be lying in bed with him made it hard to remember all the reasons they needed to go slow. They had agreed to wait until they WERE married. Clark was obviously weakened from his experiences on New Krypton. So much had happened in their time apart that they needed to discuss. However, none of that seemed as important as how she felt at the moment and she threw herself into the kiss, exploring Clark's mouth and roaming kisses across his face and neck.

When she realized how heavily she was breathing and the effect she was also having on Clark, she snuggled into the crook of Clark's neck and shoulder and took a deep breath. Clark also breathed deeply and squeezed Lois.

"Maybe it's a good thing you're wearing that t-shirt. I might have a hard time resisting that body of yours." Lois teased.

Lois could sense a difference in Clark, a slight change in the way he held her.

"Yeah. I'm really pretty tired. Maybe we should say good night."
Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~