I can't believe I didn't recognise it at first! It Happened One (Super) Night, by Wendy Richards.

Here's another one:

Clark was dead. He had to be. And Dillinger and Barrow had been about to dump her in the river along with him, tied to his body so that she would drown. And she was *in* the river... so she should be dead too.

Not floating half-out of the water, Clark's hands supporting her waist, her hands clutching at him, and with Clark kissing her!

Apart from the fact that Clark was dead and so this couldn't really be happening, *if* by some totally ludicrous chance that it was real they wouldn't be floating like this, as if one or both of them could walk on water. Neither of them appeared to be treading water or holding onto anything, so they should be sinking.

And yet she was simply floating upright, without any means of support, and a dead man was kissing her.

He'd just spoken to her, too, and he'd sounded so like Clark...

But of course he would, she told herself. She was dreaming, or dead, or something. Of course she'd hear Clark's voice just as she remembered it.

Well, she thought, as long as she was dead, or hallucinating, she might as well enjoy the kiss... Clark always was a good kisser, she thought dreamily. Not that they'd ever kissed for real, which was a pity... he was definitely a very handsome man and, even though she'd always denied it, she *had* been attracted to him. More than just attracted; as she'd confessed in the car, far too late, she'd been in love with him.

She slid her arms up and around his neck, sliding her tongue forward to touch his lips. His arms tightened around her, pulling her even more closely against him. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she noticed that his clothing was soaking wet, and it felt cold against her very thin - and also soaking wet - dress. That was odd, she thought, surprised; surely mundane things like that shouldn't be part of her hallucination?

But she pushed that aside and raked her fingers through Clark's hair, which was also very wet. She heard him moan deep in his throat, and she exulted at the power she had over his response. If only they'd tried this while they were both still alive... She'd wasted over a year which they could have had as a couple, if only she'd known just how good they could have been together...

He tore his mouth away from hers. "Lois!" he hissed urgently.

"No," she moaned, trying to pull his face back down to hers. "Kiss me again..."

"Lois!" This time his tone was sharper. "Lois, we have to get out of here! You'll catch your death of pneumonia!"

"Can't! I'm already dead, so there!" she threw back at him, again seeking his mouth.

"Lois!" His hands moved to clamp over her shoulders, holding her away from him. "You're not dead - neither of us is. And we have to get out of the river!"
Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~