His hand rested on her hip by the phone,[/Quote

Lois: Is this your phone too, or are you just happy to see me?

[Quote]which allowed his thumb easy access to the loose hem of her shirt and the skin underneath.
Lois: If I'd know his hand would be drawn to where I put the phone, I might have put it on the other end of my shirt.

Her hand caressed his cheek, down his jaw,
Oh, you meant that kind of cheek.

throat, clavicle, chest, stomach…
Yes, more touching.

Why did she have to ruin things?

Clark: I'm glad she did, otherwise we would have come close to finding out if the curse applies.

Clark felt as if she threw him into against an iceberg floating in the Arctic Sea.
I think you just want to say "threw him against an inceberg".

“Excuse me?”
It almost seems that in her extasy she called him by the wrong name.

“Sunday night? Let’s meet in the laundry room,”
Lois: You can help me clean my lingerie.

setting her hand on his arm encircling her torso.
Yeah, more touching.

He had thought that she might. “Just a reminder of what you’re missing,” he teased.
Lois: Don't even try going there, big boy.

“You wouldn’t happen to have any more cannoli on you, big boy?”
Clark: Only the kind you haven't tasted yet.

Lois: Oh, I've tasted it, just not told you fully about it.

Clark: What?

Lois: I'll have to tell you about what happned in the hospital another time.

“I shouldn’t return to the apartment with cream filling on my lips, anyway. Lex might get the wrong idea.”
Clark: We could do it without you using your mouth. peep

John Pack Lambert