I see Virginia has already replied to some of my FDK, but I'm still not done.

With Lois and Luthor safely in a well-populated charity event,
Lois being safe anywhere near Luthor is an oxymoron.

it gave Clark ample opportunity to do a more thorough scan of Lois’s building and apartment without being caught by Lois’s security detail.
Sounds like a good plan. I just have this fear that Luthor might be vindictive enough to stab Lois for making eyes at the Super-hero, and be prideful enough to think he can get away with it at a formal dinner.

Lex: I wouldn't be the first extremely rich man to get away with killing a double-crossing woman.

The only new one he found was above Lois’s apartment door, so that the billionaire could see who was visiting his fiancée.
Good think he delivered the pizza in a disguise.

Prior to Clark landing softly on the roof, he once more scanned Lois’s building to make sure Luthor’s goons hadn’t added any new security cameras in the last twenty-four hours.
That would be really disrobing. Too bad he didn't scan this closely earier.

He could easily see Lois
Is this with his x-ray vision?

Clark: I did't need to use my x-ray vision to figure out she was wearing a purple bra.

Ten minutes later, Lois carried the pizza box and the empty cannoli bag to the trash chute.
Clark: smile1 She ate my cannoli.

Lois: I was hoping to enjoy your cannoli in a different way.

her arms entangled around his neck before the door had even shut.
smile1 sloppy twins They are touching.

Lois: I hope to touch him with more than just my arms.

John Pack Lambert