“Are we…?” she hesitated.
Clark: Yes, were on camera, so we might as well run away Lois.

“I checked for cameras. There aren’t any,” he replied,
He should have gone for my plan.

Clark: But I tell the truth.

Lois: Except about being Superman.

Clark: Hey, the first time I told you I was superman, you laughed at me. Hmm, I did tell you I was Superman, months before I proposed.

Lois: It doesn't count if you're bleading when making the claim.

Clark: So if I proposed while bleeding I could propose before telling you.

Lois: No. Anyway, you could have told me while I was in your arms while going to look at your ship in Smallville.

Clark: But I am Clark first, so I wanted to tell you as Clark.

Lois: How can you be Clark first when you grew up on Krypton and just stole Clark's identity not even a year ago.

Clark: I'll explain later, but right now there's a volcano going off in Hawaii that I have to divert.

resting his hand in the low of her back
smile1 party party More kissing. We seem to have just broken the canon season one kiss record in this scene.

Canon Lois: That is far too easy.

Canon Clark: and whose fault is that?

Canon Lois: Your's lunkhead. If you had kissed me in the supply closet, instead of turning me over to Toni Taylor. Or drawn me in for a kiss just after Trask got shot. Or actually kissed me when I was under he influence of Revenege. Or insisted on dancing with meinstead of going off with Linda. Or lots of other times probably too, we could have kissed a lot more.

John Pack Lambert