John: You're spoiling me. Thank you.
sad that Lois gave into another of Lex's demands.
Sometimes you need to give up something to get something.

grumble at the non-cooperative Mayson. I hope this causes Clark to dislike her from day one.
No comment.

Cat: If you think there is any chance of Clark falling for someone other than Clark, you are confused.
Don't be ridiculous. Clark doesn't like himself enough to fall for himself. razz /note to self: stay out of Metropolis./

And she thinks Luthor would ever provide anyone such? He is the one who thought he was doing her a service by arranging Schwartz to be her lawyer.
One would hope that anyone that Lex hired would have graduated higher and from a more prestigious law school than a poor public defender.

Only because he is not likely to survive jail. (Duck).
LOIS: mecry
JIMMY: *YOU* cry? Hello? What about me, here?

How annoying. Okay, if she really wanted to marry him, this might not be so bad, but since she doesn't. Although, if she wanted to marry Luthor we would wonder about her sanity.
You mean, as we all wonder about Canon Lois's sanity?

Therefore, repeatedly, she politely hung off Lex’s arm,
Better his arm than his lips.

Part of me thinks it might flow better as "in hopes of learning something".
Thanks. Fixed.

I always though Clark, not Lois, was the patient one.
Lois's POV. Lois's opinion of herself.

The food is good? On the other hand, most people don't go with dates they can't stand, although maybe more than we want to admit.
One must date a thousand frogs to find one prince.

Toni Taylor: I never could stand Lex.
Nope. Actually, Toni liked Lex until he double-crossed her.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.