Jerome shrugged. “She never said. I suspected back during Nightfall that she had discovered the truth when I kissed her as Superman, but I was mistaken.
He should have just pushed forward with the assumption that he was right.

Surely, she would have said something.”
This is Lois, she keeps everything a secret. She even keeps her undercover investigations a secret from her boss. It is amazing Clark knew about her being at the Metro Club at all.

my subsequent head-bashing
I wasn't the only one head-bashing last part.

Jonathan shrugged, suggesting, “Or it could convince her of his power in the world and his value as a source.”
Jonathan seems to have a really negative view of Lois.

“Not that I know of.
He underestimates Luthor's ability to guess. Also, seems to overestimate Lois's ability to hang up on Luthor.

I suspected him of being Lois’s stalker last summer, but never found any definitive proof. Anyway, Superman got rid of those cameras before Lois and I became close,
She spent the night at his place before the cameras were removed. At least Luthor thought that was what he saw, well, OK he thought a lot more than spending the night.

and as Superman, I made sure we met away from…her apartment,” Jerome admitted.
Which to Luthor would just mean he was trying to avoid getting caught. Luthor would assume Superman has had sex with multiple women. He projects his morals on others.

Away from temptation is more like it, Martha decided he meant.
I am glad he stayed away. This story would be much more harrowing if he hadn't. Although part of me does not want to contemplate the horror of this story being more harrowing.

“It was Luthor shooting her, which convinced her that we should partner up for good.”
Are you sure Clark. She said she was going to dinner with you before Luthor shot her.

Martha slammed her hand on the table. “Enough of this wallowing, Clark Jerome Kent. Fly back to Metropolis and talk to Lois,”
This story would be somewhat better if he actually did. Although, it isn't his fault she quit the DP already. She could have waited until the end of the day. It's not like LNN human resources people will even be in until Monday.

she insisted, pointing out the closed kitchen door. “From everything that you’ve told us that Luthor did to that woman, there isn’t a chance in hell that she will marry him.”
Which maybe should cause them to wonder what Lois is really up to.

Jerome glanced at her, unconvinced. “It could be a cute anecdote that they tell the…”
Lois:Tell the what, staff. Because there is no way I am ever having children with Luthor. Clark, maybe, Luthor never.

Which causes me to hope that Lois is really not pregnant. If she is pregnant that will cause Clark emotional breakdown. Even though it will be his child, he will assume it must be Luthor's.

John Pack Lambert